Designer All Star Circle of Lurv

It’s been less than 24 hours since I launched my first pattern. I’m thrilled. Beyond words. Already the pattern is approaching 200 favorites (I like to call them “hearts”) and has been in the Ravelry’s Top 20 “Hot Right Now” patterns most of the day. It so incredibly rewarding to see something that makes me happy bring happiness to others. Of course I hoped for this, but honestly I was preparing myself for my pattern to sell 30 or so in the next year. I’ve sold twice that in one day . . .

Okay, okay, I also totally did armflail when I say this:


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Yep, that’s my pattern . . . next to Stephen West’s Mystery KAL (how fun does that look?) Amy Herzog is just above and Jared fucking Flood just below. Maybe I’m totally delusional, but I’m just going to enjoy the warmth of this Designer All Star Circle of Lurv . . .


Until next time,


Be Your Beautiful Self

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